Friday, February 20, 2009

Utah Snow

Here's me, shredding it up in Park City.
Slowing it down a little bit, Cross Country Style.

The famous Juleen, who was such a good teacher and fun friend.

Off she goes, tearing it up.

Family Time

The star of the show, baby Eve Olive, who bless-her-heart, put up with my numerous attempts to catch her with her eyes fully open after an annoying flash of the camera.
So little--you just can't resist touching their little mouths and noses.

Grandma Extraordinaire accompanies the proud parents and Boo, who just had to be part of the family portrait.

Never to be outdone, Sofia is as cute and charming as ever.

And Nicholas is the keeper of my heart, so snuggly and easy-going.

Lucky to Have Good Friends

Sarah put me up and kept me laughing in Meridian. When I imagine myself as a wife and mother someday, I have some pretty great ideas (if I do say so myself) of things I'd like to do with my home and family. Whenever I'm with Sarah, I realize that, although my ideas may be great, her real-life homemaking skills are amazing. Note to self: get her food storage pancake recipe!
From the LA days, the original "Vets", Suzanne, Jewels, and I, reunited this week in Salt Lake. We headed up to the Olympic Park in Park City and ate at Whole Foods, and I realized that true friendships can endure years without seeing each other face to face.
My buddy Lisa Teuscher from Long Beach is now a hot-shot literacy coach in Logan and was down in Provo for a conference. We got together for yummy salads and I learned a lot about taking chances and learning to accept wonderful things when they come into our lives. I ought to take road trips more often--there are too many great people in too many great places. I am very very lucky to have such wonderful friends.