Saturday, October 25, 2008

If You're Nanny and You Know It

This is the little girl, Anusha, I've been working with for about a month. Yes, I am looking for a "real job", so please don't worry.


Kellie and Justin said...

you're adorable!! I wish you could be my nanny. Love the pics of Autumn and noticed your shelfari (which i have been terrible at updating). For some reason, i was the only one in my book group that LOVED East of Eden. Hmm. Now i just remembered senior English class and my weird noise and Ms. Makin stopping her lecture to say "Kellie, are you alright?" That class brought out the worst in me...

Stacey said...

I know you didn't just say that taking care of a kid all day isn't a real job . . . :-) Dido on Kellie's remarks. You are adorable and I love East of Eden, too.

Stacey said...

In fact, I love all those books. I was the only one in my book club who loved the Shell Collector. It's a good thing I have kindred spirits like you guys in the world.